Progress on the Big Pen! The Ideal: As mentioned in the last post, we are building a large (for us) pen to house both the chickens and the turkeys. We will be separating the flock by type, and by variety in the case of the turkeys. We are going to be selling the turkeys as purebreds and that means no mingling for the Bourbon Reds with the Royal Palms. We are also separating the turkeys from the chickens in order to monitor feed consumption better. The size of the pen is going to be a total of 20' x 50' with a common run of 10' x 50' for an 'exercise yard.' We have decided that while the chickens will have access all day every day, but to allow for the turkeys to also enjoy this area, and continue to be separated, the Reds and the Royals will have access on alternate days. Because we anticipate that the turkeys will return to their own space for the night we will be training them by not allowing exercise yard time for the first three weeks for any bir...