The Cute continues. As promised, our flock has doubled in one shot. We responded to a post on Facebook regarding a mini flock for sale and snatched it up. The awesome people that run Kapanaia Farms in Kapaau, Hawaii put up a Ram, a ewe, and two sister offspring as a family unit and we fell in love immediately. three messages and two phone calls later and we were waiting for the day the babies could travel so we could head out to pick them up. This is Hemi. Not sure where they got the name, Sandra did speak of having a hard time coming up with 70 plus names every lambing, so she really couldn't recall where it came from. JoAnn and didn't have that problem and kept the name. We decided that his name full name is Ernest Hemi Hemingway and Hemi's name is permanent. His lineage is out of Kapanaia's anchor stud Ram, 'Abacus'. A fine specimen that is fully spotted and has a history of black and white lambs. He is a cross of Katahdin and Dorper breeds. He has the sig...
Big news! Our very first mammal birth on the farm happened early this morning. Our very own flock has been expanded by a count of one. We had a ram lamb born this morning sometime early because by the time I got out there for morning feeding, it was settled, dry and apparently had it's first meal. We did the checks- Teats open and flowing-Check Little guys knows which end to find food- Check Umbilical Cord ok- Check Afterbirth cleared- Check Second Lamb- Only a cursory check made- No tools for internal checks available. She did make moves like she was or might have another pawing, pacing, but no real labor signs so I think they may have been to contract the uterus back to normal. But what do I know= I raised market lambs years ago not breeding sheep. This also marks the milestone of our Ewe, our Ram, and our lamb. Up till now, we have bought lambs to be grown up for the freezer , this is our first to be raised made by our flock. For those of you that will ask, 'h...