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Death and DyingWell, it's been over a year since the last post and I am surprised that the blog hasn't been shut down. But since it hasn't, I'll start with some news.

Medicago claims to have a viable vaccine candidate for COVID-19In that time frame, the world has gone nuts about toilet paper, become afraid of all human face to face contact, the US government has closed schools, banned public gatherings and have ordered people to shelter in place. All because of a flu? Not a flu, a novel Coronvirus. They named it Covid 19.Another of one of the Governments wonderful acronyms: CORnoaVIrus Disease of 2019. 
They've known about it for a year, but the panic was a bit delayed. So much for the world for me today.

On a more personal level in the time I have not been posting, I have gained two grandchildren and my father passed away. Today actually.
I got up this morning at 4:00 am. It was only a little early for me as I usually am up at 5 or so, but this morning I couldn't sleep so I got up had coffee and got to work in my sewing room on orders I need to get out. by 8:30 I had completed one custom order and the phone rang. I usually pass most calls off to the answering machine function, but this time the screen showed "POP" as the caller. I knew exactly what the call was going to be. In fact, I had been ready (as anyone can be to hear their parent has passed away) for this call for some time.

My father wasn't what most would call a good communicator. Perhaps it was the era he was raised in, the large military family he grew up in, the stringent parents, the broken first marriage, or that he just wanted to be left alone. Any contact we children had with him after the divorce was initiated by us.
I was the oldest, that is until I found out some 5 plus years ago about an older half-sister given up for adoption by our mother, (long before they were married) and I called to talk with him roughly monthly so I got the initial phone call from Jane, his current wife. 
A wonderful woman, twenty years younger than he they met and married while he was working at a florist shop. She ended up nursing him in his ailments til today and is left to care for the final arrangements.I have left this draft for two weeks, I originally started this on Monday the 16th of March. Which turns out one of those grand ironies . Though it happened some years after her death, my mother passed March 15th, a day and some years earlier s it turns out they were the same age, 81, when they passed.

A Hawaiian Airlines plane flying over the ocean, with mountains in the backgroundOther news of the day- the state of Hawaii has stated it's inter-island ban on travel, incoming flights are still allowed for some reason, so it seems the state has lost the fight in keeping the pandemic from our Island paradise. I still believe it to be a minor thing, a disease like all others-It will run its course, we will be sick for a time, we will heal, and we will get immunities built up for the next time it flashes around the world. Sadly, like other disease progressions, some patients will succumb to the disease. This s the story of Life and to think we can stop it is ludicrous. Of course time will tell who was right and if we were justified in the panic. 

Photo credits, in presentation order: 


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